2024 Conference on “Quantum Simulations of Fundamental Physics”

发布时间:2024-08-27     来源于:上海研究院

The conference will delve into recent advancements in quantum simulations of fundamental physics across different synthetic quantum systems, including atom tweezer arrays, superconducting qubits, cold molecules, and trapped ions. A special session will be dedicated to the cutting-edge engineering of entangled quantum states for quantum metrology. Discussions will also explore topics like the potential of quantum spin dynamics to surpass classical simulation capabilities, the emergent frontier of long-range interacting quantum phases, and the investigation of quantum error correction schemes to advance digital quantum simulations. Our primary goal is to foster deeper interactions between novel theoretical innovations and experimental realities. Additionally, we aim to provide students and junior researchers with increased opportunities to engage with leading experts in the field and contribute to the forefront of quantum simulation research.


Oct 19th – Oct 24th, 2024 


Broadway Mansions Hotel Shanghai (上海大厦),20 Bei-Suzhou Street, Hongkou District, Shanghai

Organization Committee: 

Youjin Deng (Univ of Science and Technology of China)

Lu-Ming Duan (Tsinghua University)

Xiaopeng Li (Fudan University)

W. Vincent Liu (University of Pittsburgh)

Peter Zoller (University of Innsbruck)

Invited Speakers:

Rainer Blatt(Innsbruck University) 

Massimo Boninsegni(University of Alberta)

Wenlan Chen (Tsinghua University)

Jae-Yoon Choi  (KAIST, Korea)

Nicolò Defenu (ETH Zurich)

Dongling Deng (Tsinghua University)

Luming Duan (Tsinghua University)

Lei Feng (Fudan University)

Xiwen Guan (Innovation Academy for Precision Measurement Science and Technology, CAS)

Zhi-Hao Huang(Fudan University)

Andreas Hemmerich (Hamburg University)

Randy Hulet (Rice University)

GyuBoong Jo (HongKong University of Science and Technology )

Christian Kokail (Harvard University)

Lin Li (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Yiqiu Ma(Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Christine Muschik (University of Waterloo)

Xinghua Peng(University of Science and Technology of China

Christian Felix Roos (University of Innsbruck)

Peter Schauss (University of Verginia )

Joseph Thywissen (University of Toronto )

Yanhong Xiao (Fudan University)

Bo Yan (Zhejiang University)

Xingcan Yao(University of Science and Technology of China

Yangsen Ye(University of Science and Technology of China

Li You (Tsinghua University)

Xinyang Yu(Fudan University)

Aaron Young (Harvard University)

Torsten Zache (University of Insbruck)

Xiaobo Zhu(University of Science and Technology of China)

Changling Zou (University of Science and Technology of China

Sponsor Institutions:  

University of Science and Technology of China 

Fudan University, Shanghai, China 

Tsinghua University, Beijing, China

 Contact us

 Event coodinator: 

 Wei Guo guo_wei@fudan.edu.cn

 Scientific coordinator:

 Xiaopeng Li xiaopeng_li@fudan.edu.cn